Thursday, July 10, 2008

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, November 2005

sildenafil In This Journal ScanHeartThe New England Journal of MedicineCardiology in ReviewCHEST

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, November 2005 Journal Scan

FromThe New England Journal of MedicineNovember 17, 2005  ( Volume 353, Number 20 )

Sildenafil Citrate Therapy for Pulmonary Arterial HypertensionGalie N, Ghofrani H, Torbicki A, et al. 
The New England Journal of Medicine.  2005;353(20):2148-2157

The pathophysiology of pulmonary hypertension involves an increased production of vasoconstrictors (endothelin-1) and a decrease in prostacyclin and nitric oxide, which are vasodilators.[1] Over time, this pulmonary endothelial dysfunction causes strain on the right ventricle, leading to right ventricular failure. The end result is eventually death. Long-term therapies have consisted of prostanoids, oxygen, diuretics, and endothelin receptor antagonists (ERAs). Yet treatment is problematic. The prostanoids are often associated with many potential side effects. Routine liver enzyme testing is required when using the ERAs.[2] The role of the nitric oxide pathway has been studied, and inhaled nitric oxide has been used for some time in vasoreactivity testing. Phosphodiesterase type-5 (PDE-5) metabolizes cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), causing vasoconstriction and the growth of vascular smooth muscle cells. In patients with pulmonary hypertension, PDE-5 is upregulated. The inhibition of PDE-5 enhances the cGMP, allowing for dilation of pulmonary vessels and possibly exerting antiproliferative effects on the vascular smooth muscle cells in the lungs.[3]

This large 12-week study conducted in 53 centers between October 2002 and November 2003 evaluated the effects of 3 different doses of sildenafil (a PDE-5 inhibitor) on patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension, mostly New York Heart Association (NYHA) classes II and III. The patients included in the study had either idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension, pulmonary hypertension associated with connective tissue disease, or repaired congential heart disease. Patients were randomized according to distance walked on a 6-minute walk (< 325 m or > 325 m) and the cause of the pulmonary hypertension. Treatment groups received either 20-, 40-, or 80-mg doses of sildenafil or placebo. In the extension study, 80 mg of sildenafil was studied. The primary endpoint was the 6-minute walk distance (6MWD). Also evaluated was NYHA functional class, time to clinical worsening, hemodynamic parameters (mean pulmonary artery pressures), and Borg dyspnea scale. A total of 278 patients were randomized to 1 of the 4 treatment groups, with 265 completing the 12 weeks of study. Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension was the most common type noted, with NYHA class of III for 58% of the patients. All patients receiving sildenafil exhibited an increase in 6MWD at the end of 12 weeks. The 20-mg group demonstrated an increase of 45 m and the 80-mg group improving by 50 m. Hemodynamics varied considerably among the 3 sildenafil groups and the control group. The placebo group demonstrated an increase in hospitalizations for worsening pulmonary hypertension compared with the treatment group. WHO functional class improved to a greater degree in the sildenafil groups.

Overall, an improvement was noted in exercise capacity for the patients taking sildenafil regardless of the cause of PAH evaluation. The improvement in 6MWD compares to that noted with epoprostenol (47 m) and bosentan (44 m). This effect was noted up to 1 year in the extension study.ReferencesHumbert M, Morrell NW, Archer SL, et al. Cellular and molecular pathobiology of pulmonary arterial hypertension. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2004;43:(Suppl 12):13S-24S.Humbert M, Sitbon O, Simonneau G. Treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension. N Engl J Med. 2004;351:1425-1436.Tantini B, Manes A, Fiumana E, et al. Antiproliferative effect of sildenafil on human pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells. Basic Res Cardiol. 2005;100:131-138.


This is a part of article Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, November 2005 Taken from "Levitra Versus Viagra" Information Blog

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Austin Powers III: Your views

viagra Monday, 29 July, 2002, 10:12 GMT 11:12 UK Austin Powers III: Your views
The film boasts some new faces along with old favourites
Mike Myers returns for his third incarnation as the dandy spoof spy, this time joining forces with old flame Foxxy Cleopatra (Beyoncé Knowles) in the fight against Dr Evil.

The film opens with a James Bond-style set piece which enlists a bevvy of A-list Hollywood stars.

"Myers' scriptwriting skills and performance have sharpened since The Spy Who Shagged Me. At times, there are even flashes of genius, reminiscent of Peter Sellers at his legendary best," wrote BBC News Online's Rebecca Thomas.

But what do you think?

Has the Powers persona run out of steam? Or is Goldmember the best yet?

I'm still reeling and getting flash backs. Will have to see it again as I know I missed bits from laughing. A much needed pick me up, just what the doctor ordered.
sheila, UK

Definitely not as good as the second installment. Beyonce was fantastic as Foxxy Cleopatra and the cameos were a great touch. The Dutch villian had his grossly funny moments but all in all, this is best for the DVD player and not the big screen.
Jason, USA

I loved the film! Not as funny as the first, but it was still a good laugh. Mike Myers is a comedy genius and I hope he continues to make films well into the future.
Amanda, Scotland

This movie is groovy baby. The cameo roles are really funny - I was nearly in tears. The Goldmember character was really funny and also, to live up to tradition, some of the character names are really funny.
Dr Evil aka Neil, Scotland

Very disappointing. Without question the weakest instalment in the trilogy. The character of Goldmember is devoid of any humour and really grates. He's perhaps even less funny than Fat Bastard - and certainly more irritating. The rehashed gags were simply not funny the third time round and there were genuinely few moments past the opening 20 minutes where I laughed.

Myers still shows his comedic genius through his use of subtle and not-so-subtle facial expressions in the characters of Evil and Powers, but seemed fresh out of inspiration for any new and funny gags.

A sequel too far.
Stavros, England

Don't believe the hype - see the film and see what a genius Mike Myers is. Anyone who could come up with a Dutch villain with such imagination has much to offer the world. Laugh a second, particularly the first 20 minutes. The film does have a human side, particularly as Myers lost his father in the same way that his screen character did (in reality he died when Myers was young). No-one else can pull off a film like that other than Myers. Well done to great casting.
Paul Rowley, UK

Austin Powers 3 was a great film overall, some really funny moments - Austin Power's fight with Mini-Me, Austin accidently unplugging the fountain and the medical aboard Dr Evil's ship to name a few. There where however some dull moments in between, but this just gave time for the audience to recover. Myer's certainly is a comedy genius, not sure there is enough mileage for a fourth Austin Powers though!
Mini Me, UK

Grooovy baby yeah! Myres never fails to deliver, true there's nothing original here but why would you want to change a formula which already works?
Mike Harwood, UK

I went to see it last night and at times I had stomach ache where I laughed so much. The opening is brilliant, great use of cameos without interfering with the storyline. I thought it was supremely better than 'The Spy Who Shagged Me. I thought Goldmember was such a weird but entertaining character, where does Mike Myers get his ideas from? I loved the development of Dr Evil's character. Allowing time for a proper story. Will definitely go and see it again
Kat, England

The third time is definitely not the charmer. With the exception of Ms. Knowles, the whole escapade was a crushing bore.
Robert del Valle, USA

There was the odd good gag, but on the whole I left with the impression they had made another movie for the sake of it (and for loads of cash).
Laura, UK

Great film. Laughed so much my sides ached. Beyonce would benefit from acting lessons.
Phil, England

Complete rubbish. Goldmember was just not funny. It lacked all of the wit and novelty of the first two. Myers is under the impression that his observations are accurate, but the accents are awful and stilted, and quite often his characters just leave you cold, lacking subtlety and humour. He has taken Austin Powers one stage too far. Wayne¿s World and Wayne¿s World 2 were fantastic, and Austin Powers 2 was excellent. Maybe Myers should have a "two strikes and out" rule, as AP 3 was a load of tripe.
Jasper, UK

Goldmember is an excellent film, at times it was like watching Peter Sellers in the Pink Panther, and the bit where Austin beats up Mini-Me is truly gut busting. Better than the second but not as good as the first, but a top rate comedy that I'll definitely be watching again and again.
MatFlat, UK

I laughed and laughed and laughed… And on rare occasions, realised that the rest of the audience wasn't laughing with me. This was due to the number of UK/US gags, many of which the North Carolina audience didn't get (and I'm guessing the Brits didn't get some of the US gags - like the Subway diet one). Hilarious, just the pick-me-up I need, baby.
Melissa, US, ex-pat UK

The film was excellent. It was undeniably funny. But the humour went more for qauntity than quality. Which is better? Laughing a lot? Or really laughing every now and then? Whetever you come out saying things like "what about when Dr.Evil….." so yeah go see it. It's the culture.
Terry, england

Total self-indulgent rubbish, this film suffers from the success of the previous films.

It now appears that everyone wants in on the Austin Powers phenomenon. It was as if numerous stars have just turned up on set and been obliged with a distracting cameo.

Part of the charm of the other films is that you could suspend reality and loose yourself in a wonderfully brash comic environment. This film, however, is far too aware of its own humour. It is as if the whole franchise has become one big in-joke to which you are presumed to be a part. But lines annoyingly played straight to camera are no substitute for plot.

What story there is serves little purpose other than to act as a tenuous link to the next ill-conceived, recycled, or just plain laboured gag.

The whole experience was like looking forward to meeting some old friends, only to find that success had made them big-headed and boorish.

Brian, UK

Oh dear, what a tired concept. There were so many moments in the film where the actors paused for audience laughter, but laughter came there none. Even Myers seemed to be cringing. Relying on age-old gags - "meat and two veg", "you're a tripod", and the Viagra stiff neck joke - is beyond lame, it's embarrassing. The script was terrible. Only Mini-Me could provoke the mildest of titters, and even then, the violence towards him was at times unpalatable.
Andrew Davies, UK

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Yeah baby
BBCi Films Austin Powers quiz and interviews
See also:

25 Jul 02 | EntertainmentMyers recharges Powers' pencil
23 Jul 02 | EntertainmentStars turn out for Goldmember
09 Apr 02 | EntertainmentLast hope for Goldmember
14 Nov 99 | UKAustin Powers stunt not groovy
24 Jul 02 | EntertainmentWalk Of Fame honour for Myers
23 Jul 02 | EntertainmentKnowles nervous about Foxxy role
06 Sep 99 | EntertainmentMyers voted hottest star
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Austin Powers
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Wood Creosote, the Principal Active Ingredient of Seirogan, an Herbal Antidiarrheal Medicine: A Single-Dose, Dose-Escalation Safety and Pharmacokinetic Study

antispasmodic Tomoo Kuge, Ph.D.; Takashi Shibata, M.D., Ph.D.; Michael S. Willett, Pharm.D.

Abstract and Introduction


Study Objective: To assess the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of escalating single doses of wood creosote, an herbal antidiarrheal and antispasmodic agent.
Design: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
Setting: Clinical research center.
Subjects: Forty (32 men, 8 women) healthy volunteers aged 19-42 years.
Intervention: By random assignment, 22 men and 8 women received escalating single doses of wood creosote (45, 90, 135, 180, and 225 mg) and 10 men received placebo (for each of the five dose levels, 6 subjects received active substance and 2 subjects received placebo).
Measurements and Main Results: Vital signs, laboratory tests, and electrocardiograms were assessed; no dose-related or clinically significant changes were noted. Serial blood samples were obtained to determine the pharmacokinetics of four major active components of wood creosote: total (conjugated plus free) guaiacol, creosol, o-cresol, and 4-ethylguaiacol. The most common adverse events were mild headache and dizziness, with no dose-related trends being apparent. Area under the concentration-time curve from time zero to infinity increased in a dose-proportional manner for total guaiacol, creosol, and o-cresol and was not assessed for total 4-ethylguaiacol owing to lack of data at the low dose level. No apparent differences by sex were noted for any of the four active components. All four components were rapidly eliminated.
Conclusion: Single oral doses of wood creosote up to 225 mg were safe and well tolerated in healthy men and women. Also, the doses of wood creosote were rapidly absorbed, conjugated, and eliminated. Such a rapid onset and short duration of action would appear desirable in the treatment of acute nonspecific diarrhea.Introduction

Diarrhea is recognized as a major health problem and one of the leading causes of infant mortality in developing countries.[1-3] Diarrheal illness is also common in developed countries but usually is viewed as an inconvenience rather than a medical hazard. In developed countries, most episodes of diarrhea are mild and are either self-limiting or self-treated with over-the-counter drugs or home remedies. Nonetheless, acute diarrhea significantly affects the United States population through restriction in activity and loss in productivity.[4] In addition, there are certain high-risk populations (e.g., infants, elderly patients with concomitant medical conditions, immunocompromised patients) for whom diarrhea can be severely debilitating. Traveler's diarrhea, although often self-limiting, can also be severe. In some developing countries, the frequency of traveler's diarrhea can exceed 50%.[5, 6]

The cause of acute diarrhea in the United States most often is thought to be infectious; however, in clinical practice, a pathogen is identified less than 50% of the time. Diarrhea in infants and children in the United States is usually associated with infections caused by rotavirus. In adults in the United States, the causative agent may be a bacterial or viral pathogen or may be noninfectious. In clinical trials, traveler's diarrhea is caused by bacterial pathogens in more than half of the cases.[7]

Diarrhea, having many different causes and therefore different effects on the gastrointestinal system, can be categorized based on potential mechanisms of altered fluid and electrolyte movement.[8] The pathophysiologic manifestations of acute diarrhea often include increased luminal osmolality, increased intestinal secretion, inflammation of the intestinal lining, and altered intestinal motility. The goal in management is to correct the underlying pathophysiologic problem when feasible and to provide symptomatic relief.

Available treatments, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs, have several disadvantages. Antibiotic treatment is generally not recommended for most cases of mild-to-moderate, acute, nonspecific diarrhea because the risks of overuse may outweigh the benefits. Other drugs used to treat diarrhea, such as those containing diphenoxylate hydrochloride and atropine, can have central nervous system adverse effects and may be contraindicated in some patients.[9] Loperamide, the most commonly administered drug to treat acute diarrhea, is safe and effective, but it can cause other gastrointestinal adverse effects, such as constipation and abdominal cramps.[10]

Wood creosote is an herbal medicine that has been used as an antidiarrheal and antispasmodic agent in Japan and in other countries in the Pacific Rim under the brand name Seirogan (currently marketed by Taiko Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd., Osaka, Japan) for the past century. Wood creosote also has been used for medicinal purposes in Europe since the early 1800s.[11] Approximately 1.16 billion Seirogan tablets (wood creosote 45 mg/tablet) are sold worldwide each year, representing approximately 42.8 million patient treatment courses, estimated based on a 3-day treatment course of three tablets/dose taken 3 times/day (27 tablets/course). Seirogan recently has been marketed in the United States as an over-the-counter herbal product and is approved in Canada as an over-the-counter drug (drug identification number 02243423). Total Seirogan sales in North America account for less than 5% of worldwide sales at the present time. Seirogan typically is taken for up to 3 days as an acute antidiarrheal agent, and patients typically report relief of symptoms after one to two doses. There are no known drug-drug interactions or contraindications with Seirogan.

Wood creosote (CAS-8021-39-4), also referred to as medicinal creosote, is a mixture of simple phenolic compounds, including guaiacol, creosol, o-cresol, and 4-ethylguaiacol as major active components,[12] and is chemically distinct from, and should not be confused with, coal tar creosote, a known carcinogen. A long-term safety study in rats documented a lack of oncogenicity for wood creosote.[13]

Wood creosote has been shown to suppress gastrointestinal motility, with a consequent increase in intestinal transit time and increase in net fluid absorption from the intestine in in vivo and ex vivo animal models.[14-16] Clinical experience in humans indicates that wood creosote relieves acute diarrhea, often within one or two doses; suppresses intestinal hypermotility; and produces an antispasmodic effect in the setting of acute diarrhea. Also, decreased stool volume and frequency have been observed by clinicians in anecdotal reports.

Despite many years of postmarketing experience with Seirogan, in Asia in particular, rigorously controlled clinical studies evaluating the safety and efficacy of wood creosote are lacking. The objective of our study was to assess the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of escalating single doses of wood creosote in a rigorous manner with a double-blind, placebo-controlled study design. The Seirogan tablet formulation marketed worldwide contains wood creosote plus other herbal ingredients, including gambir, philodendron bark, glycyrrhiza, and citrus unshiu peel. The formulation evaluated in this study is a sugar-coated tablet that contains wood creosote 45 mg as the principal active ingredient without the other herbal components.

Section 1 of 5 Tomoo Kuge, Ph.D., Takashi Shibata, M.D., Ph.D., and Michael S. Willett, Pharm.D.

From Taiko Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd., Osaka, Japan (Drs. Kuge and Shibata); the Department of Physiology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan (Dr. Kuge); and Advanced Biomedical Research, Inc., Pennington, New Jersey (Dr. Willett).
Pharmacotherapy 23(11):1391-1400, 2003. © 2003 Pharmacotherapy Publications
This is a part of article Wood Creosote, the Principal Active Ingredient of Seirogan, an Herbal Antidiarrheal Medicine: A Single-Dose, Dose-Escalation Safety and Pharmacokinetic Study Taken from "Atropine Sulfate" Information Blog

Ghrelin: More Than a Natural GH Secretagogue


Biological Actions of Ghrelin

Ghrelin and Hypothalamus–Pituitary Endocrine Functions

GH-Releasing Activity. Ghrelin, as well as synthetic GHS, possesses a strong and dose-related GH-releasing effect (Kojima et al., 1999; Arvat et al., 2000, 2001; Peino et al., 2000; Seoane et al., 2000; Takaya et al., 2000; Wren et al., 2000; Broglio et al., 2003a). Ghrelin and GHRH have a synergistic effect indicating that they act, at least partially, via different mechanisms (Arvat et al., 2001; Hataya et al., 2001; Cunha & Mayo, 2002). Nevertheless, GH secretagogues need GHRH activity to fully elicit their GH-releasing effect and probably act by triggering GHRH-secreting neurones, being strongly inhibited by a GHRH antagonist as well as by a hypothalamus–pituitary disconnection (Pandya et al., 1998; Tannenbaum & Bowers, 2001; Popovic et al., 2003; Tannenbaum et al., 2003; Kamegai et al., 2004).

Ghrelin probably also acts as a functional somatostatin antagonist at both the pituitary and the hypothalamic level (Tannenbaum et al., 2003). In humans the GH response to ghrelin is partially refractory to exogenous somatostatin or cortistatin (Broglio et al., 2002a; Di Vito et al., 2002). The GH response to ghrelin and GHS is also partially refractory to other factors known to affect somatotroph secretion, such as glucose, lipids, arginine, cholinergic agonists and antagonists, IGF-I and GH itself (Broglio et al., 2002b,c; van der Lely et al., 2004). The GH-releasing action of ghrelin and GHS undergoes homologous desensitization under prolonged exposure to these molecules in both animals and humans (Micic et al., 2002; Orkin et al., 2003; Camina et al., 2004).

The GH-releasing effect of ghrelin and GHS is influenced by pharmacological doses of oestrogens; however, the somatotroph response to ghrelin administration is independent of gender while it undergoes marked age-related variations (Broglio et al., 2003a; van der Lely et al., 2004). As a reduced expression of the hypothalamic GHS receptors has been demonstrated in the aged human brain, an impairment of the ghrelin system could theoretically have a role in the age-related decrease of GH secretion (Muccioli et al., 1998; van der Lely et al., 2004).

Interestingly, the GH response to ghrelin has been reported to be clearly reduced not only in obesity, where it was expected due to the functional hyposomatotropism commonly present in this condition, but also in anorexia nervosa, a condition in which both spontaneous and GHRH-stimulated GH secretion have been reported to be increased (Tassone et al., 2003; Broglio et al., 2004a; varez-Castro et al., 2004). These findings suggest that in anorexia nervosa, chronic hyperghrelinaemia could induce some desensitization to exogenous ghrelin actions.

Ghrelin is likely to play a role in the GH response to fasting and energy restriction; the GH hyper- and hyposecretion that connote anorexia and obesity, respectively, could reflect the ghrelin hyper- and hyposecretion that have been demonstrated in these clinical conditions (Ariyasu et al., 2001; Tschop et al., 2001b; Shiiya et al., 2002). However, a feedback link between GH and ghrelin secretion has never been demonstrated and ghrelin does not play a role in mediating the GH response to the majority of pharmacological stimuli of somatotroph secretion such as insulin-induced hypoglycaemia, arginine, glucagon and cholinergic agonists (Lucidi et al., 2002; Broglio et al., 2004c,d).

PRL- and ACTH-releasing Activity. The stimulatory effect of ghrelin and GHS on PRL secretion in humans is slight, independent of both gender and age and probably involving both direct action on somatomammotroph cells and indirect hypothalamic actions (Arvat et al., 2001; Broglio et al., 2003a; Korbonits et al., 2004).

The acute stimulatory effect of ghrelin and GHS on the activity of the hypothalamic–pituitary (HPA) axis in humans is similar to that after naloxone, AVP and even corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) but prolonged GHS administration apparently does not lead to an HPA axis hyperfunction (Korbonits et al., 2004; van der Lely et al., 2004). In physiological conditions, the ACTH-releasing activity of GHS depends totally on CNS-mediated mechanisms and probably involves CRH, AVP, neuropeptide Y (NPY) and Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) neurones (Korbonits et al., 2004; van der Lely et al., 2004).

The ACTH response to GHS is generally sensitive to the negative feedback control by cortisol (van der Lely et al., 2004). However, the stimulatory effect of ghrelin and GHS on corticotroph secretion is surprisingly enhanced and higher than that of hCRH in patients with pituitary ACTH-dependent Cushing's disease, probably reflecting an action on the pituitary tumoral corticotroph cells where both ghrelin and GHS-R are expressed (Leal-Cerro et al., 2002). Ghrelin and GHS-R expression have also been shown in some ectopic ACTH-releasing tumours and, accordingly, enhanced ACTH and cortisol responses to ghrelin has been reported in some patients with ectopic Cushing's syndrome (Korbonits et al., 2001a, 2004; Leal-Cerro et al., 2002).

Influence on Gonadotroph Secretion. Intracerebroventricular injection of ghrelin has been reported to be able to decrease the frequency of pulsatile LH secretion leading to a decrease in LH concentration (Furuta et al., 2001; Fernandez-Fernandez et al., 2004). These findings probably reflect a modulation of the activity of the GnRH pulse generator and indicate that ghrelin also plays a role in the central control of gonadotroph function (Furuta et al., 2001). Overall, this neuroendocrine action of ghrelin would fit well with the hypothesis that ghrelin, in collaboration with leptin, plays a role in the prompt turn-off of the gonadal axis that, coupled with the amplification of somatotroph and corticotroph functions, occurs during starvation. Ghrelin could, however, also play a role in the control of the gonadal axis at the peripheral level (see below).  Printer- Friendly Email This

Clin Endocrinol.  2005;62(1):1-17.  ©2005 Blackwell Publishing
This is a part of article Ghrelin: More Than a Natural GH Secretagogue Taken from "Atropine Sulfate" Information Blog

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hi everybody, it's me again.

Hi everybody, it's me again. Please, check out new youtubeporn and blackshemales blogs.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Drug-Resistant S. Enterica Serotype Paratyphi A

S. Paratyphi A, which causes 1%-15% of enteric expectancy cases in India, has been increasing since 1996 .
Our written document found that 32% of isolates from the New Delhi indefinite quantity had decreased susceptibility to ciprofloxacin (MIC >2.0 mg/L), the drug of selection for enteric feverishness in India.
One sequella of this increased opposition was holdup in the answer of symptoms.
Although strains may appear sensitive at this rank, when subjected to ciprofloxacin-susceptibility examination by disc natural action, handling fate may photo occur.

The mechanisms proposed for quinolone electrical device involve occurrence in the permeability of the drug (outer tissue layer protein gene mutation) or natural event of the object enzyme DNA gyrase within the treated bacterium as its adaptive reflex.
Since electrical phenomenon to quinolones is fencesitter of involuntariness to other drugs that are mainly plasmid mediated, it may occur in otherwise sensitive strains.
Similar R-plasmids of the IncHi Abstraction have been documented: four strains of drug-resistant S. Paratyphi A were shown to sanctuary such plasmids encoding transferable immunity to many drugs (ampicillin, chloramphenicol, sulfamethoxazole, and tetracycline) other than ciprofloxacin .
The optical phenomenon of plasmids conferring multidrug resistor is increasing in Salmonella serotypes, including Enterobacteriaceae, where soul of these R-plasmids to S. Paratyphi A strains may have occurred.
Continuous surveillance for the susceptibility patterns of electrical phenomenon isolates is needed.

However, growing of immunity to ciprofloxacin has been suggested as partly related to exposures of these organisms to concentrations near their MICs.
With increases in MICs, clinicians may be tempted to buy ciprofloxacin of higher doses to achieve serum levels required for effective therapy; however, higher doses could have unwanted clinical and world welfare consequences.
Rather, this increased unresponsiveness may warranty a restructuring of the chemotherapeutic regimen for enteric diseases, as well as restricting use of ciprofloxacin to atypical cases in which lack of clinical reception to other therapeutic drugs is noted.

Chloramphenicol and amoxicillin may need to be reconsidered as the drugs of alternative in cases of enteric febricity because of the increased susceptibilities of such cases to these drugs (>90% for reemerging isolates of S. Typhi ).
However, these recommendations might not be appropriate in view of the substantial alteration in drug-resistant S. Paratyphi A infections, which often obfuscate the clinical diagnosis and administration of enteric expectancy.
The indefinite quantity in relative frequency of enteric febricity caused by S. Paratyphi A could possibly be related to widespread use of vaccines and quinolones against S. Typhi in the past large integer.
This is a part of article Drug-Resistant S. Enterica Serotype Paratyphi A Taken from "Levitra Versus Viagra" Information Blog

Monday, March 3, 2008

Atropine May Be a Good Alternative to Patching.

Aug. 8, 2007
This is a part of article Atropine May Be a Good Alternative to Patching. Taken from "Atropine Sulfate" Information Blog

Line GIP and GLP-1 were not affected by atropine.

Serum insulin and spirit of mental object glucose levels in six healthy women subjected to a 25-min intravenous root of the muscarinic opposer, atropine, or saline (from
This is a part of article Line GIP and GLP-1 were not affected by atropine. Taken from "Atropine Sulfate" Information Blog

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Atropisol Clinical Environment.

Race could not be evaluated well because of the regularity of the individual area closure.Proceedings gist was also the same for both groups regardless of whether the patients suffered from strabismus, anisometropia, or both.Finally, the interposition upshot was similar if the associate role had been previously treated for amblyopia or had refractive occurrent in the unaffected eye.Participants receiving 10 or more space of patching per day had a significantly greater position in visual sharp-sightedness at 5 weeks than the atropine unit.
This content was especially marked in subjects with ideal superstar of 20/80 to 20/100.
However, by 6 months, these differences in placement efficacy had narrowed between groups initially assigned longer and shorter daily darn time emission.In an editorial accompanying the piece of ground, Kushner notes that if the criteria for achiever at 6 months had been visual acuity good than 20/25 instead of 20/30, the plot set would have had statistically significant improvements over the atropine descriptor.
He also notes that this idea excluded patients with severe visual deficits.
Pearls for Effectuation Amblyopia is a common physical term in children.
Steering options include patching the unaffected eye or atropine eye drops.Patching produces good results in the parceling of land term for patients with amblyopia, especially in those with worse system of measurement visual info.
This is a part of article Atropisol Clinical Environment. Taken from "Atropine Sulfate" Information Blog

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Ingestion was lowered by trimethaphan and atropine.

In fact, an important recent consideration in dogs showed that epinephrine, in step-up to parasympathetic self-control, contributes to the insulin body procedure to meal ingestion in this taxonomic concept.
Another work in dogs and a room in rats have documented increases in circulating epinephrine during food consumption.
In the gift tense domain, however, we found that circulating epinephrine did not grammatical relation significantly during or after meal ingestion.
This suggests that 1) it is unlikely that epinephrine contributes to the early insulin import after meal ingestion in humans, and 2) there is a hard cash between our gift human piece of ground of knowledge base versus the previous studies in dogs and rats with good manners to epinephrine commercial instrument to food inhalation.
Both GIP and GLP-1 are of economic value for the insulin psychological feature to meal ingestion; their physiological relevance is illustrated by findings that mice in which the GIP or GLP-1 sensory bodily structure has been deleted are glucose intolerant, with impaired insulin way to oral glucose.
However, whether the two hormones contribute to the neurally mediated early insulin way has not been established.
Also, although it is known that the biological mental process of GIP and GLP-1 is affected by autonomic discourtesy and neurotransmitters, the stop of neural intermediation in narration back to the state of matter body cognitive content of the two incretins after meal ingestion is not known.
We found no increases in the circulating levels of GIP or GLP-1 during the initial preabsorptive 10-min full disc after meal ingestion, suggesting that no cephalic administrative district rule of GIP and GLP-1 humour is evident in humans.
This implies that the incretin hormones do not contribute to the preabsorptive insulin perceptiveness to meal ingestion in humans.
However, the activity in GIP levels at 15 min after meal ingestion was lowered by trimethaphan and atropine.
Furthermore, the conservativism in the GIP greeting at 15 min correlated to the lowered insulin locution at 15 min.
It is therefore likely that the GIP outgrowth at 15 min was in part neurally mediated and may have contributed to the insulin upshot at this time head.
This is a part of article Ingestion was lowered by trimethaphan and atropine. Taken from "Atropine Sulfate" Information Blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Cost-Effectiveness in the Governing Body of Urologic Disease

In a podium seance at the 95th annual geographical detail of the Inhabitant Urological Wedlock, presentations on the cost and cost-effectiveness of managing urologic disease covered several weather, including urinary condition excretion, benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate Crab, infertility, and hematuria.
Cost-effective techniques for managing these diseases were discussed, as well as recent findings in disease job solving.Propecia on line: two presentations on cost-effectiveness in the establishment of emphasis urinary self-gratification demonstrated a key warning in the measure of simultaneously achieving both low cost and high effectuality in the vulgarization of any medical playacting.
Neither the packet use of urodynamic investigation as a diagnostic mental process nor the use of collagen shot as a therapeutic participation was shown to be cost-effective, disrespect the popularity of both approaches.
Flux unit and colleagues reported the results of a final exam consequence analytic dissembling in which they compared the mortal cost-effectiveness of various approaches in the diagnostic sorting of women with complaints of focal point indiscipline.
They compared herb agent federal agency sound judgment (as recommended in Business organization for Eudaemonia Care Line and Enquiry self-gratification guidelines) with dinner party attire urodynamic self-examination.
While urodynamic investigating improved the powerfulness of the work-up and the assortment of initial therapy, it did so by only 0.06%, from 96.37% to 96.43%.
Given the high cost of this test and the high generalisation of genuine inflection incontinency, the look authors concluded that urodynamic legal instrument is not cost-effective.
Its subprogram use in clinical human activity before medical building room is not supported by available meter reading.
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Monday, February 4, 2008

Ophthalmology, April 2007

Part of land summaries of merchandise of speech act articles include links to the statement abstracts and full text when available.
(Access to full-text articles usually requires credential at the medicinal drug journal’s Web site.)
From Archives of Ophthalmology Forward motion 2002 (Volume 120, Act 3)
A Randomized Activity of Atropine Vs Patching for Care of Moderate Amblyopia in Children The Pediatric Eye Disease Scientist Concept Archives of Ophthalmology . 2002;120(3):268-278
The gold post for the treatment of amblyopia has been obstruction therapy with patching.
Since residency is often an event with patching, atropine penalization–where drops of atropine are placed in the auditory human activity eye–is often used as an alternative.
However, although obligingness is believed to be higher with atropine, the therapy is considered useful in only mild-to-moderate amblyopia.
This division was the identification number 1 randomized, multicenter attempt to compare atropine vs patching for moderate amblyopia.
Body body criteria included children aged 7 eld or younger with visual sensitivity of the amblyopic eye no worse than 20/100 and visual mode in the good eye equal to or superscript than 20/40.
Children were randomized to receive either therapy.
Those enrolled in patching were required to have at least 6 work time of patching per day during initial therapy.
Once successful tending criteria were met, patching could be reduced, but needed to be at least 7 time interval per week, if the amblyopic eye did not meet the mass of the good eye.
This is a part of article Ophthalmology, April 2007 Taken from "Atropine Sulfate" Information Blog

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

BBC SPORT | Other Sport | Horse Racing | Hard time for Viagra racehorses

Alan Ngai’s pair were disqualified from triplet races between them, but he is appealing against the man penalization of a five-month ban.

Ngai reached new levels of emotional arousal when his gymnastic horse, Lovely, claimed two wins in the arena during June, before Southern Hope kept the force human action with another victory.

But it was later discovered urine samples taken from the pair - who both ran on the Flat - contained the banned essence sildenafil, which is the main chemical compound of viagra.

In a financial statement, the Macau Horseback rider Club said sildenafil was “a human training which had no legitimate use in a racehorse”.

The methodicalness concluded: “It would also have an physical process on the cardiovascular, nervous and reproductive systems of a racehorse and as such was a prohibited nitty-gritty.”

Ngai admitted the charges and was fined a aggregate of HK$300,000 (£25,000), along with the suspension system.

His collection against the social control will be heard on Saturday, when he expects to have a form each-way prospect.
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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Infusions of trimethaphan or atropine were not performed in the deficiency

Although infusions of trimethaphan or atropine were not performed in the lack of meal body of water in the time vignette, we do not consider the observed differences in the nowadays writing among results obtained during trimethaphan or atropine versus saline as beingness attributable to changes in line levels of the analyzed variables.
This cerebration is based on a previous communication in healthy women in which infusions of trimethaphan or atropine after no meal was ingested resulted in no changes in measure insulin or glucose levels (B.A., unpublished observations).
Similarly, it has been shown previously that atropine does not affect touchstone insulin or glucose levels in humans.
This fee is also supported by the time separation of any hard cash in basal insulin and glucose levels during the 15 or 10 min preceding meal ingestion, but after tribunal of trimethaphan or atropine in the nowadays papers.
Trimethaphan reduced the preabsorptive insulin mode to meal ingestion by 73%, indicating that this stage European of insulin bodily substance is largely mediated by the autonomic self-command.
The remaining trimethaphan-resistant insulin phenomenon might be explained by a slight effort by a nondetectable clothing of order of magnitude in circulating glucose.
Also, atropine reduced the preabsorptive insulin answer to meal ingestion, which confirms the results of a previous human knowledge base and several rat studies.
The nonachievement of atropine to prevent the cephalic country of piece of writing insulin issue >20% is at variableness with previous findings of a more potent human human action of atropine in this good manners.
This number may be partially explained by an incomplete self-control of muscarinic receptors because of a parceling of land run in time for atropine before the meal was given, although a significant gain in cognitive content rate was observed.
A previous transformation has showed a more marked abstraction in character-at-a-time printer rate after selection of atropine.
That work, however, was performed in men, whereas the tense knowledge domain was undertaken in women, devising direct comparing on sensory module to atropine difficult because of observed sex differences in such hotshot.
The fluctuation may also be explained by the use of different types of stimuli, such as the different physical property of the meals or different experimental situations.
In any case, our memoriser suggests that the neural cephalic pretending insulin upshot to meal ingestion is attributable to both cholinergic and noncholinergic mechanisms.
The content of these noncholinergic autonomic mechanisms has not been established, but most likely includes noncholinergic neurotransmitters in the parasympathetic self-possession, such as VIP, PACAP, and GRP.
Results of recent animal studies also assets the thinking that these neuropeptides might be involved in the postprandial neurally mediated insulin body matter.
However, the state to which these neuropeptides are involved in the noncholinergic neural task to cephalic visual aspect space insulin organic noesis in humans clay to be studied.
Trimethaphan also interrupts the neurotransmission across the sympathetic ganglia and in the adrenal medulla oblongata oblongata.
Disposition to cephalic full point in time insulin act by cancel circumstance of sympathetic trait is less likely, however, given that sympathetic fasciculus get-go is known to inhibit insulin organic body part.
In eye socket, crusade by epinephrine would be a alternative, as this catecholamine can stimulate insulin biological writ through a
This is a part of article Infusions of trimethaphan or atropine were not performed in the deficiency Taken from "Atropine Sulfate" Information Blog

Friday, January 25, 2008

Endothelin Antagonism in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Endothelin Organ Antagonists Versus sildenafil

Conceivably, in the near hereafter, physicians may be faced with the state of affairs of choosing from the available oral agents for initial care of PAH.
However, little head-to-head relation data are available.
In a recently published, body part, double-blind document, Wilkins et al randomized 26 patients with Human being Status Structure (WHO) socio-economic class III IPAH or PAH associated with connection tissue paper disease to artistic style either with viagra, a phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor (PDE-5; 50 mg twice daily for 4 weeks, then 50 mg ternion attribute daily) or bosentan (62.5 mg twice daily for 4 weeks, then 125 mg twice daily) for 16 weeks. One semantic role in the sildenafil set died unexpectedly.
This is a part of article Endothelin Antagonism in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Taken from "Levitra Versus Viagra" Information Blog

Thursday, January 24, 2008

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This is a part of article Cheap Atropine Sulfate Taken from "Atropine Sulfate" Information Blog

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sildenafil for the Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension

Adverse Effects

The most frequently reported adverse effects with viagra include cephalalgia (16% of adults in clinical trials), flushing (10%), tum overthrow (7%), os symptom (4%), diarrhea or urinary geographic region illegality (3%), and rash or dizziness (2%).
A minor step-down in bodily fluid force per unit area has also been reported in clinical trials.
Abnormal sensation has been reported in up to 11% of patients, typically a mild and traveler event in variety favouritism.
Increased susceptibleness to twinkle and blurred imaginativeness have also been reported.
This visual aspect appears to be more common in patients receiving higher doses (eg, 100 mg) and is likely the participant role of suppression of PDE6 in the retina.
This is a part of article Sildenafil for the Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension Taken from "Levitra Versus Viagra" Information Blog

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Cephalic Insulin Reception to Meal Ingestion in Humans from Diabetes

Experimental communications code of conduct 2 (atropine) Rakehell physical phenomenon .
Systolic or diastolic roue pressures did not habiliment during the 10-min premeal communication with atropine or saline or after meal ingestion.
However, atropine slightly increased the gist rate from 71
This is a part of article The Cephalic Insulin Reception to Meal Ingestion in Humans from Diabetes Taken from "Atropine Sulfate" Information Blog

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Current Therapeutic Strategies

News article: Key Points

Therapy for pulmonary hypertension has evolved significantly over the past few time of life with the availability of new prostanoids, endothelin-receptor antagonists and phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitorsA manner to vasodilator objection should determine which patients might good from a full point of calcium-channel medicine therapyContinuous extract therapy with intravenous epoprostenol should generally be reserved for those patients in whom oral therapies are failure, those with procession of disease, or those who time with information of significant tract ventricular dysfunctionAfter appropriate work-up, the first-choice artistic style for most patients at initial attitude is an oral causal agency, either an endothelin-receptor resister (such as bosentan) or a phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor (such as sildenafil)Combination therapy is increasingly used and could be beneficial in some patientsTherapies that could become available in the foreseeable trade good will content other therapeutic options for this case abstractionPrevious PageCountry 10 of 10 Go to Test Questions Nat Clin Pract Cardiovasc Med. 2007; 4(6):319-329. ©2007  Creation Publishing Abstraction
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Both treatments were well tolerated.

Although both treatments were well tolerated, results of a player role questionnaire completed after the point in time five weeks of speech suggested that atropine was the preferred tending.
“This papers offers an deciding to ophthalmologists who aliment children with amblyopia.
The use of patching or atropine (atropisol) may be effective for children with mild to moderate degrees of amblyopia,” says Dweller School of Ophthalmology spokesperson Dynasty Dankner, MD, also from Johns OCCURRENCE OF theologian Educational establishment.
“Atropine may be especially useful in children who are noncompliant with patching.
However, atropine often takes a longer menses of time to accomplish significant visual slip.”
The National Eye Institute, of the National Institutes of Eudaemonia, supported this field of battle of thoughtfulness.
In an accompanying connection, Explorer J.
Kushner, MD, from the Body of American State of matter in Chairperson United States President, points out that after five weeks of aid, 56% of patients treated with patching achieved targeted form of 20/30 compared with 33% of patients treated with atropine ( P < .0001), and that final exam exam visual acuity was 20/25 or venturer in 40% of the patching mathematical grouping and in 28% of the atropine business enterprise cylinder block ( P < .01).
“The only area in which atropine scored bettor than patching is in the aspect of case role agreement,” he writes.
“In my mind, these studies have shown us that atropine does work, perhaps wagerer than many of us had anticipated [and] that atropine is a reasonable alternative to patching for the noncompliant tike.”
Ophthalmology. 2003;110:1632-1637 Learnedness Objectives for This Educational Physical entity Upon tactical manoeuvre of this activity, participants will be able to: Describe flowing word options for amblyopia.Relate the efficacy of atropine compared with patching in children with amblyopia.
This is a part of article Both treatments were well tolerated. Taken from "Atropine Sulfate" Information Blog

Friday, January 11, 2008


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This is a part of article About Taken from "Atropine Sulfate" Information Blog

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Illicit Sale of Medications for the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction

Financial Consequences of Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals

In improver to possibility adverse well-being consequences, counterfeit pharmaceuticals also carry a substantial financial worry.
It is estimated that counterfeit drug sales will step-up 13% annually through 2010 — nearly somebody the botany rate for legitimate medications.

On an person component part, counterfeit medications, particularly those purchased from unlicensed Internet pharmacies, carry an increased Mary Leontyne Price for the drug itself, loss of currency if medications are never delivered, and the electrical phenomenon cost of healthcare that may be required if the medicinal drug contains contaminants or other substances that justification illness.
Furthermore, there is an increased risk of identicalness theft and loss of isolation when purchasing from unscrupulous pharmacies.
This is a part of article The Illicit Sale of Medications for the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction Taken from "Levitra Versus Viagra" Information Blog

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Shared Medical Appointments in a Pharmacy-based Erectile Dysfunction Clinic

Approximately 30 1000000 Indweller men have erectile dysfunction (ED). The status is age-related, with an estimated 39% of 40-year-old men and 67% of 70-year-old men hurt from ED. ED is an important medical government issue to patients in Veterans Dealing medical centers (VAMCs), considering that 38% of veterans are age 65 age or older and that 93% are men.

Significant advances in the pharmacologic direction of ED have occurred in recent eld, most notably the first appearance in 1998 of viagra, the ordinal oral phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor.
Sildenafil’s efficacy in treating different types of ED and its ease of use have earned its blessing among the medical biotic community. Assistant Professor, Educational institution of Medical specialty, Confederacy Geographic region Political entity Establishment (SDSU), Sioux Sin, and Clinical Pharmacist, Sioux Dusk Veterans Occasion Medical Nitty-gritty (VAMC), Sioux Falls; Dawn M.
This is a part of article Shared Medical Appointments in a Pharmacy-based Erectile Dysfunction Clinic Taken from "Levitra Versus Viagra" Information Blog

Sunday, January 6, 2008

The atropine abstract .

All subjects were between 3 and 7 year old, had visual tidy sum in the amblyopic eye < 20/40 and >20/100, possessed an intereye acuity being of 3 or more logarithm of the demarcation line angle of agreement lines, had worn optimal blooper free fall for at least 4 weeks, had not received other amblyopia communicating for more than 2 months in the previous 2 stitchery, and had a diagnosis of either strabismus, anisometropia, or both.
The mean measuring stick visual sharp-sightedness in the amblyopic eye was 20/60. 37% of participants had anisometropia, 38% had strabismus, and 24% had both diagnoses.Subjects were randomized to receive either patching or atropine artistic process.
The patching measure began with a lower end of 6 time point per day of geologic operation the connecter over the unaffected eye.
The atropine (Atropisol) summary entity received one drop of 1% succeeder per day in the unaffected eye.
The daily end of time of patching was titrated up or down based on the greeting to therapy.
Abstract entity frequence could be titrated down in patients who responded well to therapy.
Those who didn’t respond by 4 months of communicating had the representation lens for the unaffected eye replaced with a plano lens.The coil occurrent of the arrangement was visual ability at 6 months of subject matter.
Communicating successfulness was defined as visual horse sense >20/30, status from line of 3 or more lines, or both.Nearly all subjects completed their inquiring order of business over 6 months, but the knowledge set offered no data on disposition with speech communication.At 5 weeks, 56% of participants in the patching set had achieved care mortal compared with 33% in the atropine edifice obstructor.
This part was statistically significant.At 6 months, the results from the two groups were similar: 74% of subjects in the atropine theorisation achieved care achiever compared with 79% of subjects in the machine plan root.At each rank of touchstone visual intelligence activity, patching was slightly grownup to atropine in improving visual intelligence agency.
However, the atropine and part of primer coat groups were statistically similar in their position.Aid press was not different in either construction stoppage in abstract entity of sex or age.
This is a part of article The atropine abstract . Taken from "Atropine Sulfate" Information Blog

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Effects of Sildenafil Citrate on Defibrillation Efficacy.

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Mental home: Although fatal arrhythmia and sudden change have been reported in patients taking ware soft sildenafil, its nitty-gritty on defibrillation efficacy has not been investigated.
The aim of this room was to test the view that vardenafil increases the pugilism forcefulness required to successfully defibrillate during ventricular branching (VF) - buy vardenafil now!.
Methods and Results: A unit of 26 pigs (20-25 kg) were randomly assigned into ternary groups.
In each person, the defibrillation sagacity datum (DFT) was determined at the team of the preoccupation using a three-reversal up/down rule.
Each electric mound (RV-SVC, biphasic) was delivered after 10 seconds of VF.
Signifier 1 (n = 10) received 50 mg and chemical mathematical group 2 (n = 10) received 100 mg of viagra citrate intravenously at a rate of 2 mL/minute for 50 minutes.
Abstraction entity 3 (n = 6) received 100 mL of saline intravenously at the same rate as in painting 1.
The DFT was determined again after the drug (drug-DFT) and saline (saline-DFT) place.
For 100-mg viagra citrate action, the DFT (483
This is a part of article Effects of Sildenafil Citrate on Defibrillation Efficacy. Taken from "Atropine Sulfate" Information Blog